Duke’s new data analytics master degree

Consulting companies like Boston Consulting Group are scrambling to hire business school graduates with data analytics skills. Technology giants like Amazon, Google and Apple are also actively seeking employees that can sort and interpret data and communicate the gathered insights quickly.

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According to consulting company Accenture, the demand for managers with such skills will increase in coming years, creating a 40 per cent gap between supply and demand for data science talent by 2018.  
Several business schools have therefore launched data analytics courses. Amongst them are Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania and MIT's Sloan School of Management which started programmes in March whilst Cornell University's ohnson School of Management initiated a big data course for MBAs with Lutz Finger, LinkedIn's analytics chief, in April.

Duke University's Fuqua School of Business is the latest business school now to take action on the increased demand for managers who are able to interpret and work with big sets of data.  
"We are hearing first-hand from employers who are looking for people who can sort through data quickly and identify and communicate key insights," said dean Bill Boulding. "Employers are telling us the skill set is in short supply."

According to a press release Duke's new Master of Quantitative Management is a 10-month programme, which aims at college graduates that already have strong quantitative skills as they come from backgrounds in science, technology, engineering and math. Work experience is not necessary. The first course willcommence in July 2017 and will offer students one of four tracks: finance, marketing, business analytics or forensics. Across all tracks, MQM requirements will include courses in data science and analytics, courses in critical thinking, communication and collaboration and courses in the functional discipline or track.

Find full reports here:  
Fuqua Launches Master of Quantitative Management Degree  
Duke Fuqua Just Launched An Analytics Degree